Friday, March 14, 2008

Should've brought an axe....

Well well.... the pain in the butt of my oil cooler strikes again.... (previous incident far worse, far long story) so because of the oil line running right under the power steering pump this is going to be a real pain.... keep ya internets updated don't worry....

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Ackbar, finally!

Looks like today the weather will finally be decent enough to finish working on my truck! Well, to be honest it was yesterday but I overslept when my buddy came over with his tools, so we weren't really able to get anything done. I better hurry and get it running though because I think Phoenix is getting sick of me using her car to go to work! Well and I'm sick of getting a ride to and from work on the days I can't borrow it. I miss my truck it'll be good to have it up and running. ::Knock on wood::